Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Goblins

I’m currently coaching a team of orcs in a local league which has inspired me to revisit my Blitzburgh Squealers orc team that I painted for the World Cup in Nottingham in 2007. Since I only painted up 12 players back then I quickly ran out of miniatures as the games went by in the league.

Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin without helmet by Kev Adams

I don’t like to field unpainted miniatures and I really wanted to add some goblins to the squad so I painted up two of the old Citadel Miniatures Kev Adams goblins from the 2nd edition Blood Bowl range of miniatures. I really like these miniatures and they were a real joy to paint. So much that I’m actually considering painting up a full team at some point.

Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin with helmet by Kev Adams

The theme of the team is a mix of two worlds. They are of course heavily inspired by the original Orcland Raiders team, but as I wanted to add a helmet stripe I chose to paint the helmets to represent the Pittsburgh Steelers. (Not visible on these goblins).

I still need to paint up the second thrower and another lineman before this team is complete.

Blood Bowl

Converting Blood Bowl Dark Elves

I’ve always loved dark elves. I’ve played them in local leagues, tournaments and on fumbbl and I’ve always preferred them to their lawful wood elf and high elf cousins.

For some reason I’ve never painted a team of these evil elves though I’ve owned the miniatures for ages and it was only recently that I found out why. More on that later.

It’s not that I didn’t try in the past. In the early days of Blood Bowl 3rd edition I ran a dark elf squad named the Purple Reign. I painted a blitzer and that was it. I enjoyed playing the team, but I didn’t enjoy painting the miniatures.

Dark Elf Blood Bowl Blitzer
Dark Elf Blitzer

Years later I tried again. This time I wanted to recreate the 2nd edition team the Naggaroth Nightwings. Again I failed.

Dark Elf Blood Bowl Blitzer
Naggaroth Nightwings Blitzer

The years passed and I forgot all about my beloved dark elves, but then the dark elf roster was changed as it was too similar to the high elf roster. One of the changes was the introduction of runners and though they are comparable to conventional throwers I still wanted to convert a miniature that would catch the feel of a fast elf dumping off the ball.

Dark Elf Runner

The result was a converted 2nd edition dark elf thrower with his right hand repositioned and his legs removed and replaced by the legs of an old Warhammer wardancer. His head was kindly donated by a Marauder sea elf.

Still I didn’t get around to paint the team and it was only when I discovered axiom’s excellent dark elf Blood Bowl team that it became apparent to me that the reason was that I just didn’t like the miniatures. Normally I’m a huge fan of everything 2nd edition, but the dark elf miniatures just have so short legs that they would be better suited as chaos dwarves…

I never considered Gary Morley’s 3rd edition dark elf team as they are as ugly as everything else he sculpted and not in the same league as Jes Goodwin’s elf minitures that I loved to paint. How I wish that Jes had done the dark elves as well and not just Tuern Redvenom.

Like axiom I decided to take the dark path and try to create my own Jes Goodwin dark elf team. While axiom decided to base his team on the Jes Goodwin Blood Bowl elves I decided to take a different route. I rather liked the look of the uniform on the original miniatures, I just didn’t like the miniature’s anatomy. What I really wanted was a full squad of Tuern Redvenoms so I figured I would use the torsos of the original miniatures and combine them with some slender elf legs, much like I did on the runner.

Dark Elf Lineman

What I’m planning to do is to create som static looking linemen and some positional players in more dynamic poses. The lineman above is based on a regular lineman with his legs replaced with ones of an old Warhammer wood elf champion. His head is from the same wardancer that donated legs to the runner. To finish him off I copied the thigh guards of Tuern Redvenom and glued them onto my new lineman. I’ll cover how to do this in a future blog post.

Dark Elf Linewoman

The next model I completed was initially meant to be used as one of the witch elves, but in the end I decided that the miniature was too heavily armoured to represent an amour value 7 player. I removed Tuern’s head and replaced it with that of an elf cheerleader which resulted in one mean looking female dark elf. As dark elves traditionally make use of both male and female warriors in the same units I decided that she would end up being used as a linewoman.

Blood Bowl Dark Elf Witch Elf
Witch Elf

I was now the owner of a headless cheerleader so it made sense to use the long sexy legs for one of the witch elves. Again I used the torso of a thrower, but this time I replaced the right hand with a fist of a Marauder witch elf who also donated her head to the good cause.

So that’s four out of sixteen done. Of course they still need to painted and I’ve decided to paint them black and yellow to represent the Ulthuan Renegades.

Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Base Rings

Every Blood Bowl player will at some point have tried to play a match where it was hard to tell your opponent’s miniatures apart. It can be very frustrating if there is no easy way to tell whether you are blocking a black orc or a goblin. “My blitzers are the ones with slightly more spikes than the others…” Really? Also, it’s rather time consuming when you constantly have to ask your opponent what his playing pieces represent.

Blood Bowl Orc Blitzer with red base ring
Orc Blitzer

That’s why I love base rings! Base rings were introduced in the 2nd edition of Blood Bowl (I think) and by using them you can make your players’ positions immediate to your opponent.

The original position colors were as follows:

Blitzer: Red
Blocker: Green
Thrower: White
Catcher: Yellow
Lineman: Grey

I always follow these guidelines when I paint my base rings, but the color is not really important as long as you can tell the miniatures apart.

I often get asked how I paint the base rings on my Blood Bowl miniatures. Up until now I have always done them in freehand, but in the future I will be doing them in the following way.

Step 1

Score the base
Score the base

Start by scoring the base with a sharp knife. The knife should be resting on the table allowing you to slowly turn the base around creating an even score in the base. When done flip the base around and repeat.

Take care not to cut yourself when trying this.

At this point you will want to glue your miniature to the base.

Step 2

White primer
White primer

When the miniature has been fixed to the base you can go ahead and prime the whole thing white (Or whatever color you prefer).

Step 3

Base ring color
Base ring color

Paint the positional color. You don’t have to be neat at this step.

Step 4

Paint the border
Paint the border

Paint the borders in your preferred color. I use black as it contrasts well with everything. The scores should guide your brush leaving you with a perfect colored stripe with sharp borders.

I can tell you that this procedure is a hell of a lot easier to pull off than if you try to make the stripes in freehand and for me it is definitely the way to go looking forward.

Hope this is helpful.

Blood Bowl

Undead Tournament Roster Finished

It’s been a couple of months since the Danish Open 2014 took place. The weather was very sunny for the whole weekend and as such perfect for sitting indoors and playing boardgames.

I ended up with a 3-1-2 record which was okay given the circumstances. My first match was against an orc team which totally destroyed my team giving me no chance at all and leaving me with a 0-2 loss in my opening match.

Next match was against wood elves. It ended with a 2-2 draw which was a little bit disappointing.

From that point it went a lot better though and the next three matches against orcs, norse and nurgle teams all ended with wins for the undead.

I ended up losing my last match to a very well coached chaos pact team, but it could have gone both ways really.

Overall it was a very fun weekend and a chance to touch base with old friends.

    Citadel Miniatures Undead Blood Bowl Mummy
    Undead Mummy

    I managed to finish the 12 man roster before the event and the latest batch includes the second mummy, the last two ghouls and another zombie.

    The mummy is a conversion. I green stuffed a shoulder pad, a helmet and a jersey (which is not really visible in the picture)

    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Ghoul
    Undead Ghoul

    Both ghouls have had shoulder pads green stuffed onto them as well. Number 5 is an old AD&D ghoul while number 8 is from the Night Horrors range.

    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Ghoul
    Undead Ghoul

    The skaven zombie is simply a 1st edition skaven painted in a sick fleshtone.

    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Skaven Zombie
    Undead Skaven Zombie
    Blood Bowl

    Undead Reinforcements

    Danish Open 2014 is getting closer and I’m determined to play my undead team at the tournament so I have been painting a lot lately.

    Citadel Miniatures Undead Blood Bowl Halfling Zombie
    Undead Halfling Zombie
    The hafling zombie is a slightly modified Blood Bowl halfling. I know that technically you can’t raise halflings, but the race makes no difference to the game since all zombies have the same stats.
    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Elf Zombie
    Undead Elf Zombie

    The unlucky elf is a converted Blood Bowl elf lineman with his legs removed. I used the legs from an old ghoul/zombie instead.

    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Human Zombie
    Undead Zombie

    The human zombie wasn’t modified in any way.

    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Ghoul
    Undead Ghoul

    The ghouls are both from the range of AD&D miniatures that Citadel produced for a short while. They have both received shoulder pads sculpted in Green Stuff.

    Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Ghoul
    Undead Ghoul
    Right now I’m working on a skaven zombie and another ghoul and hopefully they will all be ready in time for the tournament. Maybe I’ll see you there?

    Blood Bowl

    Blood Bowl Orcs

    Citadel Miniatures 2nd edition Blood Bowl orcs painted as Pittsburgh Steelers. I took the Blitzburgh Squealers to the 2007 World Cup in Nottingham.

    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Orc Blitzer
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Orc Blitzer
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Orc Blitzer
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Orc Blitzer
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
    Orc Blocker
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
    Orc Blocker
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
    Orc Blocker
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
    Orc Blocker
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Thrower
    Orc Thrower
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Lineman
    Orc Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Lineman
    Orc Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin without helmet by Kev Adams
    Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin with helmet by Kev Adams
    Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Troll

    Designed by Kev Adams. Painted by Horekim

    Blood Bowl

    Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarfs

    Citadel Miniatures 2nd edition Blood Bowl chaos dwarfs. The boar centaurs and minotaur are conversions. The boar bodies used are old elven beastmaster boars. The big guy is a minotaur lord called Ox-Roar. The hobgoblin is simply a 1st edition orc player.

    Citadel Miniatures Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Boar Centaur
    Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur
    Citadel Miniatures Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Boar Centaur
    Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur
    Citadel Miniatures Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Blocker
    Chaos Dwarf Blocker
    Citadel Miniatures Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Blocker
    Chaos Dwarf Blocker
    Citadel Miniatures Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Hobgoblin

    Check out my updated Blood Bowl hobgoblin.

    Citadel Miniatures Chaos Dwarves Blood Bowl Minotaur
    Blood Bowl

    Blood Bowl Wood Elves

    Citadel Miniatures 2nd edition Blood Bowl elves painted as Galadrieth Gladiators. These elves are among my favourite miniatures ever produced by Games Workshop. They were sculpted by the legendary Jes Goodwin and have a distinct eighties feel to them.

    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Wood Elf Wardancer

    The wardancer (or blitzer as they were known in 2nd edition) with the hockey mask is my absolute favourite Blood Bowl miniature ever produced. Unlike most of his teammates he looks tough and like he really means business. If memory serves me correctly in the old ruleset elf blitzers recovered faster from being knocked out than the rest of the elf players.

    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Wood Elf Wardancer

    When I painted this team I took great care to make each miniature look slightly different from each other so the team as a whole would be more visually interesting.

    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Thrower
    Wood Elf Thrower
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Catcher
    Wood Elf Catcher
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Catcher
    Wood Elf Catcher
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Lineman
    Wood Elf Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Kicker
    Wood Elf Kicker
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Star Player Eldril Sidewinder
    Eldril Sidewinder
    Citadel Miniatures Wood Elves Blood Bowl Treeman
    Wood Elf Treeman
    Blood Bowl

    Blood Bowl Skaven

    Citadel Miniatures 2nd edition Blood Bowl skaven painted as Miami Dolphins.
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Skaven Blitzer
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Blitzer
    Skaven Blitzer
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Thrower
    Skaven Thrower
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Gutter Runner
    Skaven Gutter Runner
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Gutter Runner
    Skaven Gutter Runner with two heads
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Gutter Runner
    Skaven Gutter Runner with horns
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Gutter Runner
    Skaven Gutter Runner
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Lineman
    Skaven Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Lineman
    Skaven Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Lineman
    Skaven Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Lineman
    Skaven Lineman
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Kicker
    Skaven Kicker
    Citadel Miniatures Skaven Blood Bowl Rat Ogre
    Skaven Rat Ogre with claw
    Designed by Jes Goodwin. Painted by Horekim

    Necromunda Spyrer Gang

    Visiting my parents’ house during christmas gave me the opportunity of digging through some old miniatures. One of the finds were these Necromunda Spyre hunters that I painted during the summer of 1996 when I was in high school and still living at home.

    Necromunda Orrus Spyre Hunter
    Orrus Spyre Hunter

    Blood Bowl remains my alltime favourite Games Workshop game, but we had a great time playing Necromunda as well. We played it at home, in the local store and at tournaments and the games were mostly quick and enjoyable.

    Necromunda Jakara Spyre Hunter
    Jakara Spyre Hunter

    The whole background history of gangs fighting for territory in an abandoned industrial environment below a metropolis was unbelievably cool I used to think. The spyrers shown here were included in a supplement later on. They represented rich kids from the city descending to the Underhive to prey on the regular gangs as some kind of ritual. Their addition to the game made the already excellent fluff even more colourful.

    Necromunda Malcadon Spyre Hunter
    Malcadon Spyre Hunter

    I think most people would agree that the green bases of the ‘Eavy Metal team look well out of place in the Underhive so I went for a more industrial feel to mine adding bits and pieces from my spares box.

    I have 7 out of 8 spyrers and I am tempted to paint up the rest of them just for fun.

    I also found my old Delaque gang. Here’s a preview:

    Necromunda Delaque Ganger
    Delaque Ganger With Shotgun