Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Goblins

I’m currently coaching a team of orcs in a local league which has inspired me to revisit my Blitzburgh Squealers orc team that I painted for the World Cup in Nottingham in 2007. Since I only painted up 12 players back then I quickly ran out of miniatures as the games went by in the league.

Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin without helmet by Kev Adams

I don’t like to field unpainted miniatures and I really wanted to add some goblins to the squad so I painted up two of the old Citadel Miniatures Kev Adams goblins from the 2nd edition Blood Bowl range of miniatures. I really like these miniatures and they were a real joy to paint. So much that I’m actually considering painting up a full team at some point.

Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin with helmet by Kev Adams

The theme of the team is a mix of two worlds. They are of course heavily inspired by the original Orcland Raiders team, but as I wanted to add a helmet stripe I chose to paint the helmets to represent the Pittsburgh Steelers. (Not visible on these goblins).

I still need to paint up the second thrower and another lineman before this team is complete.

Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl Orcs

Citadel Miniatures 2nd edition Blood Bowl orcs painted as Pittsburgh Steelers. I took the Blitzburgh Squealers to the 2007 World Cup in Nottingham.

Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
Orc Blitzer
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
Orc Blitzer
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
Orc Blitzer
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Blitzer
Orc Blitzer
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
Orc Blocker
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
Orc Blocker
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
Orc Blocker
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Black Orc Blocker
Orc Blocker
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Thrower
Orc Thrower
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Lineman
Orc Lineman
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Lineman
Orc Lineman
Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin without helmet by Kev Adams
Citadel Miniatures Blood Bowl Goblin with helmet by Kev Adams
Citadel Miniatures Orcs Blood Bowl Troll

Designed by Kev Adams. Painted by Horekim